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  • Writer's pictureTony Jacobsen

Turbonegro abstract.

I'm looking at Turbonegro - Rock Am Ring, 3-6-2006 on youtube. It's not hard to admit that you got to love or hate it. It has it's beauty in some way. From one perspective. It's funny that Hank von helvete which is a bit overweight in some leatherstraps opening with all my friends are dead. The whole band is incredible at acting as a hymn to rockn roll. With Hank talking some german in between acting as a boss. While he acts he does a great job in costumes and the the rebellion leader, but he looses a bit in his voice, which works as a charm for the song.

Blow me like the wind. Which in these sensible times tends to be controversial (talk about moving back to the 50's).

Kurt fires up a smoke, and it´s kind of cool to watch a guy smoke at this part of the 2000's. While also at that time, the smoking laws became really strict also, which gives me an idea that they probably searced for a permission to blow that smoke. Which is funny in a way, since the whole band is quite normal people. Coming with that thought, that also gives a sense of how great they are acting rock stars. It's a genius work really, as some of the Turbojugend really could fit into the sociology books as a manual - how to create a gang for dummies.

Everybody sell your body, to the night.

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